Every time I see an advert for a movie. It’s always some dark gritty reboot.
thomas the tank reboot 04/01/20
BBC planet earth 5 20/12/2019
Billionaire Bob – encourages the people 28/06/19
I had this great idea for a comic but I failed in the clear execution of the joke.
The perfect con 06/04/19
This is one of my favourite jokes I’ve made in a comic.
Worksafe is coming 06/04/19
laser array to space 11/02/19
For those of you that are unclear about what this is about. There are teams of scientists and engineers that are planning to launch a solar sailed space craft to Alpha Centauri. By using a multi Gigawatt laser array.
From an outsiders perspective it would look like we are trying to make a death star.
Pirate talk nonsense 11/02/19
In this comic I am really only experiment with a new art style in digital. I also make a weak joke about the only Pirate who can ‘talk like a pirate’.
Australian dentists 18-1-2019
The end of Hollywood 16/01/19
Self-cleaning oven uses 08/01/19
One of my more darker comics.