Laugh now. Despair later; if they allow it.
Software patents in the age of brain to computer interfaces 27/06/18
Things are heating up these days 15/06/18
I started writing comics in that vertical stye because it works well on mobile phones. But I didn’t like it that much…
Ethical science has saved us again 15/06/18
I feel this another one I have to explain. As it may not age well. I remember hearing that some ‘scientist’ reckoned that they could deactivate the genes that made a dinosaur into a chicken. I dunno … Then I remember people complaining ( or maybe if just me complaining to myself) that it is wrong to continue to corrupt nature simply for our own amusement. I mean what purpose would deforming a chicken into something that looks more dinosaur like serve? Do we have to create something destined to suffer so we can point at it and say ‘dINoothaw’. Sick…
Pooh is now a real bear 11/06/18
Where’s Pooh 06/06/18
Garfield minus Jon part2.. I said to myself that it was too dark but here we are 06/06/18
The wrong kind of magic bus 01/06/18
I find the art in this one is all over the place. Skill is more about consistency.
Frank the stupid horse 31/05/18
No I don’t know why the horse’s name in frank.
He is also a capitalist 24/05/18
The Sale 06/05/18