Light Speed 03/05/18
Indiana Jones 7 and The Village of Doom 03/05/18
The Men Who Pull The Strings 24/04/18
I dunno.
The pain of the piano teacher 21/04/18
Nano Machine God 26/01/18
I really like this sci-fi concept.
Stupid Apple advert 25/01/18
Apple released an advert back in 2018 of some kid going about their day-to-day business with their
tablet computer‘Ipad’, who also didn’t even know what a computer was. I was confused why they thought they would appeal to people who didn’t like computers by insulting their intelligence.“Hey moron! I found something simple enough for you to use”.
-Apple …probably
Or maybe the kid was just being ‘smart’:
The Sun’s favourite place 25/01/18
What could be more terrifying than the sun using a magnifying glass?
The Smelliest Jedi 20/01/18
The cat that could sense death 17/01/18
I once heard of a cat who lived in a hospital… or maybe it was a nursing home, who would always visit the people who where just about to die. Even before anyone know that was the case. I found that suspicious. And I no longer find this one that funny.
Garfield minus Jon 17/01/18