He tires his best. Many wish he wouldn’t.
Youtube anti-scammer videos. 08/02/2021
In the last panel I was going to have the scammer say ‘MY WIFE AND KIDS’!
As I wanted to drive the point home about the destructive acts of revenge against bad people, without regrading how it will effect the innocent. But then I realised it was a bit much. Sometimes a parody can be pushed too far.
The fussy human-03/02/2022
Then almost a year passed between the last comic I made and this one. I think in the meantime I was youtubing about pens, and had momentarily forgotten what made me interested in pens in the first place. I drew this while reviewing a new graphics tablet I think. So this comic is more of a by-product of the video review.
A half baked joke about how humans would make terrible pets.